Part I: You Don't Have to Do a Thing Part II: I Cannot Create the Hunger in You Part III: What is Left is the Courage Editor's Note In July 1978, U.G. invited me to come to Bangalore, where he was staying and from where he arranged his travels in those times. My immediate answer was, “Yes Sir, I would like to.” At the same time I reminded him of my invitation to him a year before to come to Amsterdam: “Many people are there waiting to see you, Sir.” U.G. finally came to Amsterdam in 1982, and stayed (much to his own surprise) for 21 days in a beautiful house offered by some friends. U.G. fell in love -- as most foreign visitors do -- with Amsterdam and its beautiful canals and flowers. The city must have affected him, as could be seen in his clear and powerful talks. Many visitors came to see and talk to him. Among them were psychologists, publishers, spiritual journalists, and sannyasins, hashish-smoking “freaks” and “flower” people. One of them was a well-known poet who had j...